Transport Grants
Fuel efficient, low CO2 emission cars mean lower car tax and VRT for you, and grants are available to purchase hybrid/electric vehicles.
Transport Grants |
Grant |
Details |
Amount € |
Electric Vehicle Grant |
This scheme provides grants to purchase Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV), for both private and commercial users. More information is available on the SEAI website. |
Up to €5,000, depending on purchase price |
Transport Incentives |
Revenue Commissioners: |
Cycle to Work Scheme |
Employers can pay for bicycles & equipment for their employees. Employees then pay back through a salary sacrifice arrangement for up to 12 months. Employees are not liable for Income Tax, PRSI or USC on their repayments. More information is available on the Revenue website. |
€1,000 Purchase Limit |
TaxSaver Commuter Ticket Scheme |
This tax incentive allows an employer to incur the expense of providing an employee with a monthly or annual bus/rail pass, without the employee being liable for benefit-in-kind taxation. Employees also benefit from reduced income tax, PRSI and USC payments. More information is available from the Citizen's Information website. |
VRT Relief on Electric Vehicles. |
This scheme allows participants to avail of VRT relief on first registration for, Hybrid Electric, Plug in Hybrid Electric or fully Electric Vehicles. More information is available on the Revenue website. |
Up to €5,000, depending on vehicle type |
Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport: |
Lower Motor Tax on Low CO2 Emissions Vehicles |
Motor tax charges are determined on the basis of CO2 emission bands with lower emissions resulting in lower charges. |
Motor tax starting at €120.00 |